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  • Getting Started
  • Sending Faxes
  • Fax Status & Reporting
  • Getting Started


    The Openfax Cloud Fax API is designed to allow developers quick and easy access to global facsimile services. With Openfax's fax APIs you can:

    Account & API Key

    To get Started you'll need to sign-up for an account.

    Once you have an established account you will be able to login to the portal to obtain your API key from your account settings.

    Getting Help

    1. By Phone at 1-866-OPENFAX(673-6329) or +1.847.221.1979
    2. Chat at
    3. Email
    4. Slack by invite, email us at
    5. Skype by invite, email us your skype name to

    Sending Faxes

    Send a Single Fax

    // Sending a single outbound fax request
    $pdf = "/home/docs/mydoc.pdf";     // Fax Document PDF location
    $pdf_encode = base64_encode(file_get_contents($pdf));
    $account_id = #######’;           // Your Account ID
    $apikey = 'Your API Key';          // API Key for your Account ID
    $faxnum = '15555551212’;           // Destination Fax Number US & Canada Dialing Only
    $to_header = 'My Customer';        // Fax To Header Value
    $from_header = 'My Company"';      // Fax From Header Value 
    $paper_size = '0';                 // Paper size 
                                       // 0 - US Letter   8.5"x11"
                                       // 1 - US Legal  8.5"X14"
                                       // 2 - A4  8.27" × 11.69"
    $fax_res = '0';                    // Fax Resolution:
                                       // 0 - Standard Resolution
                                       // 1 - Fine Resolution
    $priority = 'Normal';              //Priority value for the fax:
                                       // Low - Slower priorty
                                       // Normal - Faster priority
    $post = array(
    'AccountID'      => $account_id,
    'FaxNumber'      => $faxnum,
    'toHeader'       => $to_header,
    'fromHeader'     => $from_header,
    'faxResolution'  => $fax_res,
    'APIKey'         => $apikey,
    'PDF_encode'     => $pdf_encode,
    'paperSize'     => $paper_size,
    'Priority' => $priority  
    $ch   = curl_init();
    $url  = '';
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
    $data1 = curl_exec($ch);


    Sending a single fax allows you to provide one fax number and one pdf file for transmission. Openfax will attempt to deliver the fax conducting up to 3 redial attempts with a 4-minute wait duration between each redial.

    After your fax has been delivered or all retries have been exhausted Openfax will provide reporting details for the fax using a variety of options:

    Submission Parameters

    Name Type Len Desc Example
    AccountID Int 9 Openfax Account ID 123456789
    APIKey VarChar 255 Set in portal account settings IEYRtw2cd8aGa54
    FaxNumber BigInt 20 11-digit North American Number 15555551212
    toHeader VarChar 15 Appears in the To field of fax the header. My Customer
    frHeader VarChar 15 Appears in the Fr field of fax the header. My Company
    paperSize Int 1 Specifies input PDF paper size:
    0 - US Letter (8.5 x 11.0 in / 216 x 279 mm)
    1 - US Legal (8.5 x 14.0 in /216 x 356 mm)
    2 - A4 (8.5 x 11.0 in / 216 x 279 mm)
    faxResolution Int 1 Fax resolution used for transmission:
    0 - Standard Resolution (204 x 98 dpi)
    1 - Fine Resolution (204 x 196 dpi)

    Note: Fine mode may increase the documents transmission time. Depending on your pricing arrangement transmission times may impact the cost of the fax transmission.
    Priority VarChar 6 Transactional faxing will always receive a higher priority on the Openfax network over other fax broadcast traffic. This affects how quickly your fax will be attempted in relation to other fax traffic on the network.

    It is recommended to always use “Normal”, though if your fax is less urgent you may Specify “Low” to give Normal transactional faxes preference over those specific with a Low priority. It is not possible to change a transactional fax priority once it has been submitted.

    Values are case sensitive.
    Normal - High transactional priority
    Low - Lower transactional priority, other transactions will receive preference within the queue.
    PDF_encode Base64 50MB The PDF file is limited to 50MB max and must be Base64 encoded. n/a

    Response Parameters

    Reponse Condition
    Success Returns the OutTransID for the submitted outbound fax transaction.
    Failed The Transaction request has failed.
    InvalidAuthentication The account number or API key provided is invalid.
    AccountInactive The account has been depleted of funds or has been deactivated. Check balance, apply payment or contact support.
    Restricted Number The attempted number is restricted from dialing either due to the phone number owner’s request, compliance list or another reason. Contact customer support for details if required.
    InvalidFaxNumberLength The FaxNumber is not valid for dialing.
    North American dialing 1NPANXXXXX is required.
    International dialing must not include + and be contain the country code and local number such as 861069445000.
    InvalidFaxResolution Specified faxResolution value is invalid.
    Value must be 0 for standard or 1 for fine resolution.
    InvalidPaperSize Specified paperSize value is invalid.
    Value must be 0 - US Letter, 1 - US Legal or 2 - A4
    InvalidPriority Specified Priority value is invalid.
    Values are case sensitive, Normal or Low.

    Fax Status & Reporting

    Acccount Balance

    // Get your real-time account balance
    $account_id = your_account_id;
    $apikey = 'your_api_key';
    $post = array(
    'AccountID' => $account_id,
    'APIKey' => $apikey
    $ch   = curl_init();
    $url  = '';
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
    $data1 = curl_exec($ch);

    Get your real-time account credit balance.


    Submission Parameters

    Name Type Len Desc Example
    AccountID Int 9 Openfax Account ID 123456789
    APIKey VarChar 255 Set in portal account settings IEYRtw2cd8aGa54

    Response Parameters

    Name Type Desc
    AccountBalance BigInt Account Balance

    A positive number reflects available credit in your account.

    Status Codes


    The last status code is provided for the latest result of the fax attempt. If the report detail is recieved by webhook postback then the transaction is finalized. When requesting real-time report data the transaction may still have available redials. The LastStatus is the result for the individal HistortOutTransID associated to the OutTransID fax request.

    Code Description Redial Explaination
    -1 Recieved No The fax request has been received and is in processing.
    0 Successful No The fax was delivered.
    1 No Answer Yes There was no answer when placing the call.
    2 Busy Yes The line ring response was busy.
    3 Not Fax No A fax answer was not detected.
    4 All Circuits Busy Yes Carrier replied all routes busy.
    5 Bad Number No The number is not a valid telephone number.
    6 Call Disconnected Yes The call was prematurely disconnected, possible voice answer.
    7 Unkown / Other Yes The network did not receive a PAGE OK reponse, possibly not a fax or line noise or not a fax.
    8 Doc Conversion Failed No The document could not be converted.
    9 Credit Check Failed No There is insufficient credit to process the fax.

    Current State

    Code Description
    0 Received
    1 Document Rendering
    2 Checking Credit
    3 On Outbound Table / Waiting for queue space
    4 In Outbound Queue / In queue for node
    5 At Fax Node / Fax dialing
    6 Reporting Engine
    7 Waiting for Redial
    8 Finalized / Fax Successful
    9 Finalized / Fax Failed
    10 Finalized / Fax Failed due to document conversion
    11 Credit Hold
    12 Retry Eligible
    13 Canceled

    Single Fax Webhook Post Back

    $outtransactionid = $_REQUEST['OutTransID'];  //Transaction ID for this fax
    $accountid = $_REQUEST['AccountID'];          //Account Number used for this request
    $receivedfrom = $_REQUEST['From'];            //Fax Fr Header
    $receivedto = $_REQUEST['To'];                //Fax To Header
    $pages = $_REQUEST['PagesSent'];              //Number of pages sent
    $callduration = $_REQUEST['CallDuration'];    //Total transmission time of fax in seconds
    $status = $_REQUEST['LastStatus'];            //Deliver status code of the fax
    $cost = $_REQUEST['RealCost'];                //Cost for this fax
    print_r(json_encode($_REQUEST));  //prints JSON formatted response

    Configure Webhook postpack is the easiest way to get notified of your fax requests result.

    Enable Webhook Postback

    1. Login to your portal account
    2. Select settings
    3. Enable Post Back for Outbound Faxes
    4. Provide your public postback

    Example: https://your-public-url/path-to-script/getPostBack.php

    Single Fax Outbound By Date

    // Gets Single Fax Outbound Activty by Date
    $account_id = your_account_id;      // Your Account ID
    $apikey = 'your_api_key';           // API Key for your Account ID
    $from_date = '2016-05-27';          // Start date in YYYY-MM-DD
    $to_date = '2016-05-31';            // End date in YYYY-MM-DD
    $detailtype = 1;                    // 0 for summary (finalized only), 1 for detail (all)
    $lasthistoryid = 936600;            // Optional starting history ID, returns 9366001+
    $limit = 5;                         // Max number of rows returned, max 1,0000
    $post = array(
    'AccountID' => $account_id,
    'APIKey' => $apikey,
    'FromDate' => $from_date,
    'ToDate' =>  $to_date,
    'DetailType' => $detailtype,
    'LastHistoryID' => $lasthistoryid,
    'Limit' => $limit
    $ch   = curl_init();
    $url  = '';
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
    $data1 = curl_exec($ch);


    It is suggested to use Single Fax Webhook Postback for tracking or billing of fax activity. This method provides the ability to retrieve all single transacational fax requests for your account in a summary or all attempt format.

    Types of Reporting

    Submission Parameters

    Name Type Len Desc Example
    AccountID Int 9 Openfax Account ID 123456789
    APIKey VarChar 255 Set in portal account settings IEYRtw2cd8aGa54
    FromDate Date 10 Start date YYYY-MM-DD 2017-05-27
    ToDate Date 10 End date YYYY-MM-DD 2017-05-31
    DetailType Int 1 0 Summary Only, 1 Detail Report 0

    Response Parameters

    Name Type Len Desc Example
    HistoryOutboundFaxID BigInt 255 Sequential call record ID 921363
    OutTransID BigInt 255 Unique fax request ID 779029
    AccountID Int 9 Openfax Account ID 123456789
    FaxNumber BigInt 20 Destination fax number 15555551212
    CurrentState Int 11 Current status of processing Status Codes
    CallerID BigInt 20 Outbound Caller ID used with transacation 17205721703
    MaxAttempts Int 1 Maximum number of redial attempts allowed 3
    RetryCount Int 1 Sequence number of this call of MaxAttempts 1
    ToHeader VarChar 15 Text provided for the fax To Header Jones Smith
    FromHeader VarChar 15 Text provided for the fax Fr Header Mike T.
    FaxResolution Int 1 Document resolution:
    0 - Standard
    1 - Fine
    RenderStatus Int 1 Render status:
    0 - Pending
    1 - Complete
    2 - Failed
    FaxDocURL VarChar 255 Tiff image location file.tif
    PageCount Int 4 Number of pages in the fax document 2
    PaperSize Int 1 Specifies input PDF paper size:
    0 - US Letter (8.5 x 11.0 in / 216 x 279 mm)
    1 - US Legal (8.5 x 14.0 in /216 x 356 mm)
    2 - A4 (8.5 x 11.0 in / 216 x 279 mm)